How Personal Alarms Help the NHS
on theIt is no secret that the NHS is under strain. An already underfunded system has faced almost two years of added pressure from the pandemic, and its services are more in need than ever before. This problem is compounded by the increasing size of the elderly population, who are statistically more likely to be admitted to hospital. Fortunately, personal alarms can help the NHS.
NHS Crisis
A&E patients across the UK are facing record-breaking wait times, with some people waiting as long as 12 hours to be treated. This comes as a result of huge backlogs caused by Covid-19, as well as delays in the provision of care for many patients.
This is especially troubling for elderly people, many of whom are being kept in hospital because they lack organised care at home. Known as bed-blocking, it has been a growing problem in recent years. Research has highlighted that a lack of home care plans are a major contributor.
Personal Alarms Help the NHS
Many ageing adults opt to purchase personal alarms after a hospital visit. This may be due to a fall or other health problem. By choosing to install a personal alarm, you are connecting yourself to a trusted care service who can support you in case of an emergency. In most cases, a simply push of a button puts you in touch with a remote team who can arrange help.
Personal alarms count as a home care provision, meaning patients with these systems in place are more likely to be released from hospital, preventing the extension of the bed-blocking crisis. This, in turn, relieves strain on the NHS, allowing them to provide their deeply appreciated services to those in need.
Does the NHS Pay for Personal Alarms?
Unfortunately, in the face of national cuts to certain funding, personal alarms are not provided by the NHS or by most local authorities. If you are eligible for certain benefits, this money can be put towards a personal alarm, and certain health conditions may exempt you from paying VAT. The most important thing is to find an affordable but reliable personal alarm service.
Choosing a Personal Alarm
Finding an affordable and reliable personal alarm is why Careline Compare exists. By checking out the Providers page you can find a helpful summary of the country’s leading telecare companies. You can also find links to their websites for further information about each service.
Because you need to make the best choice possible, the Compare page shows exactly what you get from each service and at what price, making your decision that little bit easier. You can also see their Trustpilot ratings. All this comes together to help you choose a company you can trust.